Friday, June 26, 2009

Sunday Evening Drive

today, i go dakut hse and play monopoly with ch, rajie raj, ganz and dakut..
i am suggest we play..
i am so damn bored..
and feel like playing it..
so long nvr play edi..
ch bully us la..
we go to his property.. pay 1000..
i broke in actual life.. i broke in game life..
after finish game (ch won la.. he bully.. i sad sad..) we go dakut room eat lasagna..
dakut play some game on his ps3..
i macam so outdated now..
keluar dari kampung..
but until now i never saw that game before..
dont know how it looks like..
but can make character..
we make gandy..
so funny we make until..
funny eyes, funny mouth, funny hair..
we laugh with tear falling from our eyes..
i even choke while drinking water..
haiz.. so sad rite..
finally, we finish the character at midnight 1 am..
we feel quite proud..
wanna see..
of coz i show you..
i categorized as "abnormal" person in my family..
keep on taking the hp and take pictures none stop..
haix.. so damn pity la..
take pictures only ma also kira orang gila edi..
so.. thats my day..
happy day..

gandy of the day

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

This is not what I really do

How come when I talk to girls on Facebook they don't answer me back? I go on facebook everyday and I say "Hey, what's up?" to girls. The girls don't know me but I just want to be friends and everytime I say "Hey, what's up?" They don't answer me back :( . What do I have to do to get them to answer me back?

P.s I'm not ugly

Monday, June 15, 2009

Be Responsible

Drinking too much causes 2 very negative effects to people
1. It ruins your memory
2. I can't remember the other one


New case of child abuse.
Guess what's the common thing in all of it?

P.S. Teach your children to stay away from ugly people. If the parent is ugly, fail.